Nana & Papa

Most of our friends and family call us by our real names . . . Greg & Deb! REMEMBER . . . You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them.

Monday, February 11, 2008


Wow have we been busy. That is putting it very mild. Last weekend we spent with mannnnnyyyy teenagers at Camp Barakel at the winter retreat. Snowshoed what felt like a million miles, played ice broomball and played hard in the snow. Our speaker hit everyone good in the heart and the response from all were changed hearts! It was absolutely a GOD THING!!! the entire weekend. Our teens are dealing with some very devastating events in their lives and we feel almost incapable to help them. God has been great and has been equipping Greg and I to help them out even better.
Our small group Bible study has been fantastic, and the sharing has been tremendous. We have grown so close to each other and as the oldies of the group we have been able to help others to see that there is life after the toddler years and that teens wont kill you!!
Last Wednesday night Kristi and I flew to Florida to check out her future home and work places. Seemed strange shopping for apartments in another state for one of my own.SHE CANT LEAVE ME NOW!!!! IM NOT READY TO LET HER GO!!! But on the other hand Florida is a really nice place to go for a visit, so I helped her find a place close to the beach so I can enjoy it too when I come there.
Greg is right now in Jamaica on his annual mission trip. It felt too strange to have him leave while I was gone. Sure hope he remembered to pack everything!!!!
Christopher is still at training for a couple of months, so Kim is in mourning too.
Brian is gone alot at his new job, so right now Melissa is full time Mom &Dad. I am sure she cant wait for normal work hours too.
Matt is still working but not as many hours as he would like. With hunting season done there isnt anything else to do.
That leaves Steph with just about the only normal life right now!!! but that is sure to change with those two bussssssy kiddo she has. Travis works alot too so she has to be super Mom also.
Here is to busier times ahead!!! It has to keep us young, (I HOPE)





Thursday, December 13, 2007

Thankful for our family!!!!

This time of year our thoughts and prayers go out to the many who are without family to surround them. We are so blessed to have happy and healthy kids and grandkids to love on.
Greg and I have both been very busy with work, church, small group Bible studies and myself with school, and trying to fit in the kids with their hectic schedules.
Remember to give your kids an extra squeeze and kiss goodnight,we dont know what God has planned.
Have a wonderful Christ filled Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!!

Monday, November 12, 2007

I hacked into her account cuz it's her birthday!


Here are a few pictures from the lunch party yesterday!

* * Love Ya Mom XOXOXO * *

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Our God is SO Big!!

This week we have had such heavy hearts. We have had to claim Gods promises oh so very much. Last Saturday our friends lost both of their youngest boys in a tragic car accident. We as parents cant even begin to understand how they could handle their loss. That tragic day was all laid on top of caring for a son injured in Irac just a few months earlier, along with several other losses this year.
Yet once more God shows His power and love in spite of what we feel!!!
The memorial service was a tremendous testimony to the huge impact that God had on the boys lives. I KNOW that God will be lifted up and glorified through this all. My prayer is that my life may point others to God like Timothy and Joshua did. Please keep the Schrauger family in your prayers.

Gods Peace and Love to you,